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Windows Blind ~~~>[
Windows Blind adalah software untuk mengganti tema (Theme) standar Windows, pasti buat yang tiap hari ngadepinkomputer bakal ngerasa jenuh ngeliat tampilan XP yang biru, silver, dan ijo. Nah software ini bisa jadi solusi buat ngilangin jenuh, jadi serasa punya komputer baru setiap hari, halah..
Apa yang beda dari versi ini?
Di versi ini di klaim penggunaan resource komputer jadi jauh lebih kecil dari versi2 sebelumnya, jadi gak usah takut baterai laptop jadi cepet abis ato komputer lawas jadi lemot. Install aja dulu dan rasain bedanya.
windows 7 Style Builder ~~>[
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win7 style builder
Vista/Win7 Style Builder
Get full control over an MsStyle
Stop hex-editing files
Auto fixes alpha-channels from Photoshop
Easy image editing
Control all theme properties
Built-in documentation
No more MUI file madness
Test Visual Styles with one click
Fully edit STREAM images, seamlessly
Now with Windows 7 support
Vista Style Builder 1.5 Released – October 18th, 2009
Vista Style Builder 1.5 is now available. In this update several enhancements have been made such as:
[Main] Memory leak when opening many themes.
[Main] Search speed enhanced.
[Main] In-memory UXTheme patcher launches correctly.
[Main] RECT properties not being able to be edited properly.
[Main] Property buttons disappearing after testing.
[Main] Edit program not saving. (Fixed in 1.5.03)
[Win7] FirstImageID set to 508 by default to prevent issues.
[Win7] Open File Dialog not opening.
[Win7] Search icon not showing.
[Main] DPI specific images and glyph images now shown in tabs above the preview area.
[Main] Stream/Atlas generator works better for border cases resulting in smaller Streams for better system performance.
[Win7] Classes, Parts, and States finalized.
[Win7] Vista to Windows 7 theme porting finalized. *
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
TG soft XP builder v.202 [
With StyleBuilder set up, it's time to get acquainted with the interface. From left to right you'll see the category shortcut bar, the tree list, the current look, a test area, and the properties editor. Have a click through the various categories and you'll jump straight to that section on the tree list, where you can burrow down further.
Next, we need to set up our image editor. You could set it to use MS Paint, but you won't get too far. We used The GIMP, which you can find on the December 2004 cover disc. To set your editor, go to Tools | Options | New.
Click to enlarge
As a starting point (no pun intended), try altering the Start button, or tweaking with the Taskbar colours. To edit images, select the element you want to modify, right click, go to 'Edit with...', and select your editing package. Perform the modifications and save it over the old image.
To complete your theme, simply hit Apply on the toolbar, which will compile and package it. In our experience, StyleBuilder was somewhat unstable and produced some confusing errors when we tried to compile it. If you encounter any errors at this stage, you may need to go back and tweak some properties, depending on what elements were changed.